Website: https://www.turgranada.es/
Role in the project: Participant in Pilot 1 Desert landscapes and oasis: Altiplano de Granada
The Provincial Tourism Board of Granada is a Provincial Council dependent body established in 1982. Currently it has three goals: to promote the province’s rich and diverse tourist potential and to consolidate Granada as a holiday destination, both at home and abroad; to stimulate province tourist development in order to make tourism an engine of its economy and an important resource of work and income; and to create loyal tourists by offering professional attention and information to make their visit more pleasant and satisfactory.
Internal Organization: The board is chaired by the leader the Provincial Council of Granada and its work is controlled by the General Council, the Consultative Body and Territorial and Sectorial Departments. The provincial Administration is also represented in these bodies: the Junta de Andalucía (The Regional Administration), trade unions, syndicates, the business community and financial bodies, town halls of the province and other public and private organisms related to touristic aspects.
The Provincial Tourism Board of Granada has the following organisational structure:
– Administration Department
– Promotion Department
– Planning and Development Department
– Tourist Information Offices Province Department
Since its setting-up, the Board has not ceased to publicise Granada’s range of tourism products to professional agents working in the sector and the media. At the same time, it has encouraged the province’s business people and politicians to carry out activities to improve the infrastructure, services and the tourist opportunities on offer. The Board’s final goal is to make the province’s tourism appeal known so that the number of visitors, from a whole variety of areas, will continue to increase. The following promotional activities are being carried out to support this:
- Presence at the main national and international tourism fairs.
- It attends the main national and international symposia organised by the State-owned Companies Turespaña and Turismo Andaluz.
- It organises its own promotion in cities all over Spain and European countries.
- It organises professional trips for travel agents and journalists to get to know in the original place the touristic product on offer.
- It receives family trips from travel agents and journalists through Spanish Tourist Offices (OET) all over the world.
Another aim is the touristic development of towns, villages and districts. For this purpose, the Board offers statistical and market studies; professional advice to new tourist companies; viability plans for business and town halls; tourism courses; legal support.
Key person(s)

Pascual Rivas – He is economist, and consultant on Tourism. Since 2001 he has been responsible for the Department of Tourism Planning and Development of the Provincial Tourism Board of Granada, from where he works on statistical and market studies, professional advice to new tourist companies, viability plans for business and town halls, tourism courses, legal support, and product development. Member of the AECIT (Spanish Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism) since 2005. Contacts: pascualrivas@turgranada.es