ITP >> Bibliography
Bibliographic references in the area of cultural tourism management
Publications from the EU
European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Transition pathway for tourism – Taking stock of progress by 2023, Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Study on the feasibility of possible initiatives at EU level and establishment of a multi-stakeholder platform onquality of tourism accommodation – Final study, Publications Office of the European Union, 2022,
European Committee of the Regions, Commission for Natural Resources, Marcinkowska, I., Maj, A., Sidło, K., Tourism and rural development, European Committee of the Regions, 2024,
Abbruzzo, A., Ferrante, M. & De Cantis, S. (2021). A pre-processing and network analysis of GPS
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Ahas, R., Aasa, A., Mark, Ü., Pae, T., & Kull, A. (2007). Seasonal tourism spaces in Estonia: Case
study with mobile positioning data. Tourism Management, 28(3), 898-910.
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Behsudi, A. (2020). Tourism-dependent economies are among those harmed the most by the pandemic, December 2020. IMF Finance & Development, pages 36–39.
Bibracte EPCC (2021). Bibracte and its territory: Tourism statistics review 2018-2019.
Borowiecki, K. J., Pedersen, M. U., and Mitchell, S. B. (2023a). Using big data to measure cultural tourism in Europe with unprecedented precision. Working paper, Scandinavia Working Paper series, S-WoPEc.
Borowiecki, K. J., Pedersen, M. U., Mitchell, S. B., and Khan, S. A. (2023b). Final Findings Analysis Report INCULTUM. Deliverable D3.3, Visiting the Margins. INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries.
Caldeira, A. M., & Kastenholz, E. (2020). Spatiotemporal tourist behaviour in urban destinations: A
framework of analysis. Tourism Geographies, 22(1), 22-50.
Cambon, J., Hernangómez, D., Belanger, C., and Possenriede, D. (2021). tidygeocoder: An r package for geocoding. Journal of Open Source Software, 6(65):3544. R package version 1.0.5.
Capelli G. (2016), Manual for participatory touirism connecting community and culture through storytelling, Croatia, Croatian Ministry of Tourism.
Casado-Díaz, A. B., Navarro-Ruiz, S., Nicolau, J. L., & Ivars-Baidal, J. (2021). Expanding our
understanding of cruise visitors’ expenditure at destinations: The role of spatial patterns, onshore
visit choice and cruise category. Tourism Management, 83, 104199.
Conticelli, E.; De Luca, C.; Egusquiza, A.; Santangelo, A.; Tondelli, S., 2019. Inclusion of migrants for rural regeneration through cultural and natural heritage valorization. In C. Gargiulo & C. Zoppi (Eds.), Planning, nature and ecosystem services, Naples: FedOAPress, pp. 323-332.
Coriat, B., 2015. Le retour des communs & la crise de l’idéologie propriétaire. Paris: Les liens qui libèrent.
De Cantis, S., Ferrante, M., Kahani, A., & Shoval, N. (2016). Cruise passengers’ behaviour at the
destination: Investigation using GPS technology. Tourism Management, 52, 133-150.
De Luca, C.; López-Murcia, J.; Conticelli, E.; Santangelo, A.; Perello, M.; Tondelli, S., 2021. Participatory Process for Regenerating Rural Areas through Heritage-Led Plans: The RURITAGE Community-Based Methodology. Sustainability, 13, p. 5212.
Domènech, A., Gutiérrez, A., & Anton Clavé, S. (2020a). Cruise passengers’ spatial behaviour and
expenditure levels at destination. Tourism Planning & Development, 17(1), 17-36.
Domènech, A., Gutiérrez, A., & Clavé, S. A. (2020b). Built environment and urban cruise tourists’
mobility. Annals of Tourism Research, 81, 102889.
Eldway, S., Azzam, Y.A., Al-Hagla, K. S.,2020. Role of public participation in heritage tourism development in Egypt: a case study of Fuwah City. In: Sustainable Development and Planning XI. Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol. 241 ,27 – 43 pp.
Ellegård, K. (2018). Thinking Time Geography: Concepts, Methods and Applications. (1st ed.)
Eccleston, R.E., Hardy, A. & Hyslop, S. (2020). Unlocking the potential of tracking technology for cocreated tourism planning and development: insights from the Tourism Tracer Tasmania project, Tourism Planning & Development, 17:1, 82-95, DOI: 10.1080/21568316.2019.1683884
European Commission (2021). Regional impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourist sector: final report. Publications Office.
Eurostat (2022a). Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 3 regions. Online data code: NAMA_10R_3GDP. Last data update: 21/02/2023.
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Ferrante, M., De Cantis, S., & Shoval, N. (2018). A general framework for collecting and analysing the
tracking data of cruise passengers at the destination. Current Issues in Tourism, 21(12), 1426-1451.
Goebel, K; Camargo-Borges, C; Eelderink, M., 2020. Exploring participatory action research as a driver for sustainable tourism. Int J Tourism Res., 22, p. 425– 437
Gong, L., Sato, H., Yamamoto, T., Miwa, T., & Morikawa, T. (2015). Identification of activity stop
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machines. Journal of Modern Transportation, 23(3), 202-213.
Grinberger, A. Y., & Shoval, N. (2019). Spatiotemporal contingencies in tourists’ intradiurnal mobility
patterns. Journal of Travel Research, 58(3), 512-530.
Hall, C. M. (2015). On the mobility of tourism mobilities. Current Issues in Tourism, 18(1), 7-10.
Han, Y., Yang, G., & Zhang, T. (2021). Spatial-temporal response patterns of tourist flow under
entrance tourist flow control scheme. Tourism Management, 83, 104246.
Hardy, A., Birenboim, A., & Wells, M. (2020). Using geoinformatics to assess tourist dispersal at the
state level. Annals of Tourism Research, 82, 102903.
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Technology & Tourism, 17(3), 255-274.
Huang, Y.; Liu, C.S., 2017. Moderating and mediating roles of environmental concern and ecotourism experience for revisit intention. Int. J. Contemp. Hosp. Manag., 29, p. 1854–1872
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Lau, G., & McKercher, B. (2006). Understanding tourist movement patterns in a destination: A GIS
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Lew, A., & McKercher, B. (2006). Modeling tourist movements: A local destination analysis. Annals of
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Lloyd, S.; Moore, J., 2015. Sedimented histories: connections, collaborations and co-production in regional
history. History Workshop Journal, 80/1, pp. 234-248.
Marcandella, E.; Guèye, K.; Wannenmacher, D., 2020. Dépasser les tensions et tisser des liens autour d’un Tiers-
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McKercher, B. (2018). The impact of distance on tourism: a tourism geography law. Tourism
Geographies, 20(5), 905-909.
McKercher, B., Hardy, A. & Aryal, J. (2019) Using tracking technology to improve marketing: insights
from a historic town in Tasmania, Australia, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, DOI:
Merkel Arias, N.; Kieffer, M., 2022. Participatory Action Research for the assessment of Community-Based
Rural Tourism: a case study of co-construction of tourism sustainability indicators in Mexico. Current Issues in Tourism, pp. 1-18.
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Navarro-Ruiz, S., Casado-Díaz, A. B., & Ivars-Baidal, J. (2020). Modelling the intra-destination
behaviour of cruise visitors based on a three-dimensional approach. Journal of Destination Marketing
& Management, 18, 100470.
Negrusa A. et alii (2015), “Exploring gamification techniques and applications for sustainable tourism” in Sustainability, Switzerland, n. 7.
Ohe Y, 2021. Community based rural tourism and entrepreneurship, Cham: Springer
Ozcevik, O., Beygo, C., Akcakaya, I. (2010). Building capacity through collaborative local action: Case of Matra REGIMA within Zeytinburnu regeneration scheme. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 136(2), 169-175.
Pyke, S.; Hartwell, H.; Blake, A.; Hemingway, A., 2016. Exploring well-being as a tourism product resource. Tourism Management, 55, pp. 94-105.
Rather, R. A., Hollebeek, L. D. & Islam, J. U. (2019). Tourismbased customer engagement: the
construct, antecedents, and consequences. The Service Industries Journal, 39(7-8), 519-540.
Richards G., Derek H. (edited by) (2000), Tourism and sustainable community development, Routledge, London.
Ritchie, H., Mathieu, E., Rodés-Guirao, L., Appel, C., Giattino, C., Ortiz-Ospina, E., Hasell, J., Macdonald, B., Beltekian, D., and Roser, M. (2020). Coronavirus pandemic (covid-19). Our World in Data.
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Saglietto, A., D’Ascenzo, F., Zoccai, G. B., and De Ferrari, G. M. (2020). Covid-19 in Europe: the italian lesson. The Lancet, 395(10230):1110–1111.
Santos-Roldan, L.; Castillo Canalejo, A.-M.; Berbel-Pineda, J.-M.; Palacios-Florencio, B., 2020. Sustainable Tourism as a source of healthy tourism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Shoval, N., & Ahas, R. (2016). The use of tracking technologies in tourism research: the first decade.
Tourism Geographies, 18(5), 587-606.
Shoval, N., Kahani, A., De Cantis, S., & Ferrante, M. (2020). Impact of incentives on tourist activity in
space-time. Annals of Tourism Research, 80, 102846
Smith M.K. et alii (2006), “Cultural tourism, community partIcipation and empowerment” in Cultural Tourism in a changing world: politics, participation and (re)presentation, Cleveland – UK, Channel View Publications.
Vanhoof, M., Hendrickx, L., Puussaar, A., Verstraeten, G., Ploetz, T., & Smoreda, Z. (2017).
Exploring the use of mobile phone data for domestic tourism trip analysis. Netcom. Réseaux,
Communication et Territoires, 31(3/4), 325-372.
Xiao-Ting, H., & Bi-Hu, W. (2012). Intra-attraction tourist spatial-temporal behaviour patterns.
Tourism Geographies, 14(4), 625-645.
Zoltan, J., & McKercher, B. (2015). Analysing intra-destination movements and activity participation
of tourists through destination card consumption. Tourism Geographies, 17(1), 19-35.