
Participatory Governance and Models in Culture and Cultural Tourism

A new publication of the INCULTUM project is available for open access This book has been developed within ...


After 6 years of disuse, the irrigation channel of La Alpanchía is eventually recovered

16 and 17 December 2023 celebrates the great achievement On 16 and 17 December 2023, one of the ...


Fair and Solidarity Tourism workshop at the INCULTUM pilot

Three sessions organised by The High Mountains during November 2023 The Fair and Solidarity Tourism workshop, organised in ...


The INCULTUM pilot as case study at the course of Tourism Science of Campus Foundation

30 November and 5 December 2023, the products of the students were presented At the beginning of October ...


Participation in culture and cultural tourism

A new resource available on the INCULTUM Training Portal Participatory Governance and Models in Culture and Cultural Tourism ...


Management of Territorial Tourism Development

Executive Master organised by Touring Club Italiano and Fondazione Campus As part of the INCULTUM Pilot about San ...


Recovery of Alpanchía irrigation channel

INCULTUM Voluntary Days: 16 and 17 December 2023 As part of the INCULTUM Pilot on the Altiplano de ...


Portuguese INCULTUM pilot on Al-Sabîl – Revue d`Histoire, d`Archéologie et d`Architecture Maghrébines

University of Manouba, September 30, 2022 The latest paper about the Portuguese pilot of the INCULTUM project has ...


GAL ELIMOS at the Jazz’Inn Festival 2023

Scopello, September 26-30, 2023 Innovation is often born from motivated individuals, not hierarchical structures. This belief led to ...


INCULTUM participated in the interpretative route through the Acequia de la Alpanchía

Galera, 4th November 2023 Last November 4 2023, the Spanish pilot of the INCULTUM project participated in the ...
