The INCULTUM project deployed a range of outreach activities aiming at promoting the project and also at creating of a network of stakeholders, all over Europe, operating in the different areas of innovation concerned with cultural tourism and, more generally interested in accessing and valuing cultural heritage in peripheral areas.
The Innovations experimented in the pilots are illustrated in the innovation fact-sheets provided in the dedicated page.
The work done in the Stakehoders mapping activity identified the following categories that are addressed by INCULTUM and its Pilots, which form the target audience of networking activities:
- Authorities and policy makers
- Local action groups
- Local farmers and food producers
- Craftsmen and artists
- Shopping and leisure facilities
- Accommodation providers
- Tourism operators and tourists
- Workforce
- Investors
- Academia
- Educational sector
- IT application developers
- Infrastructure providers
- Projects and cultural tourism joint inititatives
Within these categories, a special attention is dedicated in the engagement of women, who are reportedly the majority of staff working in cultural tourism, volunteers, as they can play a crucial role in cultural tourism, and minority groups who live in the territories, such as for example religious minorities, marginalized communities, language minorities, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, migrants, and others.
The networking activities of INCULTUM are carried out at two levels:
- within the territorial domains of the pilots
- at international levels by establishing collaborations with other projects and initiatives
For the networking established by the pilots, the information are provided in the Pilot section of the website and through the news published on the INCULTUM blog.
For the international level, a dedicated page provides the list of collaborations with projects and organisations not member of the INCULTUM consortium, generally referred as Associate Partners.
COLLABORATIONS AND ASSOCIATE PARTNERS: efforts are deployed for establishing collaborations with existing projects and initiatives that deal with cultural tourism and access to cultural heritage, so to create a community of associate partners.
MAILING LIST: the contacts from associate partners and sisters projects, and the registrations received via the INCULTUM website and at events, flow into a mailing list that is used to regularly communicate about topics of interest for the community via the Newsletter and the blog hosted on the digitalmeesculture.net magazine.
NEWSLETTER: a newsletter is issued to the registered users, with key information about the project progress, achievements, events and outcomes. The Newsletters also promoted the collaborations providing information about the initiatives of the associate partners.
INFORMATIVE WEBINARS: online and in presence events are organised by the INCULTUM Pilots where the members of the local stakeholders groups present, engage and share information to each other. Researchers from groups not involved in the INCULTUM consortium participated in the Data Workshop.
NETWORKING SESSIONS: two networking sessions have been organised by INCULTUM, in collaboration with other projects, in the frame of international events, namely the Euromed 2022 conference and the ESRA 2023 Congress.
PARTICIPATION IN THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: projects participating in the INCULTUM Network have participated in the conference of Guadix, with posters and presentations.