
San Pellegrino in Alpe, photo by Pietro Masi, CC-BY-SA

The general objective of the project is to explore the potential of marginal and peripheral areas when managed by local communities and stakeholders. This is sought through the implementation of six specific objectives, to which the following outcomes correspond:

  • Participatory approaches are proposed for adoption, to transform locals into protagonists, aiming to reduce negative impacts, learning from good practices to be replicated, and translating practices into strategies and policies.
  • Stakeholders mapping has been produced on the basis of bottom-up strategies that can highlight the opportunities to generate positive effects for both locals and tourists.
  • Ten pilot cases of living territories and communities created innovations that demonstrate customised solutions based on co-creation processes.
  • Data analysis used advanced econometric methods and machine-learning tools, pioneering their introduction into tourism research. Findings suggested new synergies among public and private stakeholders and new investments, including Structural Funds.
  • Training has been offered at pilot level and internationally. At pilot level, the local initiatives improved the understanding of needs and requirements from communities and stakeholders. At international level, training is offered online through the resources available in the Incultum Training Portal.
  • Policy recommendations and reflections about Innovation are derived from the hands-on work conducted in the pilots.