Website: http://www.bibracte.fr
Role in the project: Leader of Pilot 6 Bibracte-Morvan: ancient paths into the future
Situated in what is today the French region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Bibracte was a fortified city of the 1st c. BC. known from the writings of Caius Julius Caesar. The site is protected both as a Historic Monument and a remarkable landscape. Since 1985, the site has been the subject of a voluntary policy of enhancement by the Ministry of Culture, under the initial impetus of President François Mitterrand. Today it is managed by a public establishment, Bibracte EPCC (Etablissement public de Coopération culturelle) which, in addition to the day-to-day management of a 950-hectare estate, runs an international archaeological research programme involving various European universities, and promotes the heritage and the work of archaeologists through a site museum which welcomes 50,000 visitors a year.
The establishment also strives to contribute to the economic and social development of the area in which the site is located, within the framework of a project contracted with the ministry in charge of landscapes under the policy of the Grands Sites de France, and through numerous partnerships with local authorities, first and foremost the Parc naturel régional du Morvan, which plays the role of leader for the development of the Morvan, a medium mountain area with strong demographic and economic revitalization issues. Bibracte EPCC is also very involved in international cooperation, both in the field of archaeology and cultural heritage management, notably through the activities of the pôle international de formation et d’échange des gestionnaires de sites patrimoniaux. Bibracte is a unique example of integrated management of a heritage site, since the entire heritage chain is taken into account within the establishment dedicated to the management of the site, with a team of around thirty permanent employees. Bibracte also participates on a permanent basis in research-action projects aimed at using heritage as a lever for local development.
In 2016 Bibracte was awarded the special mention for sustainable development by the European Museum Forum. It was recognized in 2019 by the Council of Europe as an example of good practice in the field of heritage management and spatial development in its Strategy 21 for European cultural heritage.
In 2018-2019 Bibracte tourism observatory conducted a study among visitors, socio-professionals, institutional stakeholders and inhabitants, on Evalto method, a collaborative evaluation and decision support tool designed to create territorial intelligence at the service of sustainable tourism policies (results of the study available HERE)
Bibracte is responsible for INCULTUM Pilot 6 Bibracte-Morvan: ancient paths into the future, in collaboration with two associate partners: Parc naturel régional du Morvan and Réseau des Grands Sites de France.
Key person(s)

Dr. Vincent Guichard – He is General Director of Bibracte EPCC, is an archeologist, with a PhD in Chemical Physics and another in archaeology. His action and responsibilities are focused on the preservation and enhancement of the archeological site of Bibracte while maintaining Bibracte as a key public actor in the fields of archaeological research and interpretation, integrated management of landscapes and cultural heritage, cooperation. Contact: v.guichard@bibracte

Sophie Mobillion – She is in charge of the Grand Site de France (GSF) initiative and has joined a multidisciplinary team that is conducting a territorial experiment in the context of the renewal of the GSF label for the next six years. Her mission is centered on the partnership with the mayors of the twelve communes of the GSF: she leads their committee and the working groups that emanate from it. She is also responsible for monitoring agricultural issues such as the installation and transfer of farms, the maintenance of landscapes through grazing adapted to climate change and the valorization of hedgerows. Sophie is also a consultant in territorial and strategic development within the Chamber of Agriculture of the district of Saône-et-Loire. In particular, she leads a group of thirty farmers who promote local products and communicate with the general public. She also continues to accompany complex agricultural installation projects. Contact: s.mobillion@bibracte.fr

Flore Coppin – A graduate of the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (Chinese studies) and of CELSA, the Sorbonne’s school of communication, Flore has fifteen years’ experience in public relations in various sectors (tourism, social and solidarity economy, economic diplomacy). She joined the Grand Site de France Bibracte – Mont Beuvray team on November 2021 as Heritage and Tourism Officer with the mission of coordinating Bibracte pilot project for INCULTUM. Contact: f.coppin@bibracte.fr

Olivier Thiébaut – He is a Senior Landscape and Urban Design officer and is in charge of coordinating the Grand Site de France Bibracte – Mont Beuvray label at Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan. Contact: olivier.thiebaut@parcdumorvan.org