Website: https://www.cbs.dk
Role in the project: Leader of Stakeholders Mapping and Exploitation activity (WP7)
By both national and international standards, Copenhagen Business School (CBS) is a strong institution with a distinctive ‘business university’ profile. Established in 1917, CBS is one of the largest business schools in Europe, with more than 805 full-time researchers, 712 administrative employees and around 21,000 students, of which almost 4,000 are international students from all over the world. CBS has a strong international reputation and is often highly placed in external rankings. As one of the most interesting business schools in the world today, CBS attracts a large number of international staffs, which account for more than 40% of the total staff. CBS is organised as one faculty comprising 11 departments as well as a large number of research centres.
CBS has a very large annual output of articles in peer-reviewed journals and extensive cooperation with industry. CBS is one of the relatively small number of business schools worldwide with ‘triple crown’ accreditation (AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB). With the distinctiveness of its diversity, CBS aims to offer strong research and education programmes in classical management disciplines and in disciplines that place business in a wider social, political and cultural context. CBS has a particular responsibility to bring knowledge and new ideas to companies and business organisations, to the next generation of business leaders, and to society as a whole.
CBS has the full administrative capacity to handle externally funded projects and a long experience as both partner and coordinator of projects. The Pre-Award Office, which supports fundraising and grant writing, is placed under the Dean of Research and comprises seven full-time staff members. The Post-Award Office, with responsibility for the financial management of projects, is placed in the Central Unit for Project Administration. CUEU has more than 20 years of experience managing EU projects. CBS is presently involved in more than 50 EU projects as either partner or coordinator; these include 6 PEOPLE projects, 1 ERC Starting Grant and 1 ERC Advanced Grant.
Key person(s)

Dr. Carsten Jacob Humlebæk – He is Associate professor in Cultural and Social Analysis with particular focus on Identities in Spain, Europe and Latin America at the Department of Management, Society and Communication. In recent years, he has been particularly interested in questions related to processes of collective identity formation as a social and narrative phenomenon as well as on the dialectical relationship between (nation) branding and (nation) building. His research focus is thus on theories of nationalism and nation branding and theories of collective identity especially focusing on political, economic and social issues in contemporary European societies. He holds a PhD in History and Civilization from the European University Institute (2004). He has been involved in various international research projects funded by the EU, national agencies as well as private organizations. Contact: cjh.msc@cbs.dk

Dr. Viktor Smith, PhD – He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School, and leader of the Communication in Markets Group. In his current research, he investigates how different combinations of multimodal communicative resources (words, texts, images, colours, logos, shapes, tastes, and so on) are capable of not only reflecting, but shaping the way we perceive surrounding reality and deal with it, be it when creating and marketing new products, maneuvering across colliding interests, knowledge backgrounds, and cultures, or managing crossdisciplinary research. He has been general manager of the cross-institutional R&D project “Spin or Fair Speak: When Foods Talk” and three follow-up projects (2007-2015) aimed at developing new knowledge and experimental tools for assessing the fairness and potential misleadingness of concrete food labelling solutions on empirical grounds as a reference for companies, authorities, and consumer organizations. At present, Viktor Smith is coordinating the preparation of a major project proposal which aims at developing new user-driven strategies for better integrating taste and eating experiences in the verbal and visual (multimodal) presentation of commercial food products, with a major emphasis on local fish and seafood and potential spin-offs for regional development in fishery ports area in terms of gastronomy, tourism, etc. The planned contributors include the Sensory Group at DTU Food, the Danish Language Council, and selected food companies and retailers. Contact: vs.msc@cbs.dk