Website: https://www.ualg.pt/
Role in the project: Leader of Pilot 2 Agrarian coastal plain: Campina de Faro
The University of Algarve is a Portuguese public tertiary education institution located in the southern region of Portugal, the Algarve, having two campi, Gambelas and Penha, in Faro, and another campus in Portimão.
With more than 7700 students in 2018/19, including more than 1688 postgraduate students, the University of Algarve has teaching and research as its core activities in different scientific areas: science and technology, management and economy, earth and marine sciences, social sciences and more recently health. The University of Algarve offers 48 graduate and 93 postgraduate programs (70 MSc and 23 PhD). Its 830 permanent teaching and research staff has carried out a significant number of research projects, and in addition research has been undertaken by 86 fellowship grant holders demonstrating a clear commitment towards R&D and innovation. With 224 projects in execution, the total revenue concerning research in the year 2018 amounted to almost 8 million Euros. The scientific groundwork of the University of Algarve centers on four main areas (Sea, Health, Food and Well-Being, Arts and Heritage and Tourism). The University of Algarve is renowned for turning innovative ideas into products and services that benefit related communities. Among its faculty and alumni activities, the University of Algarve has well-established research centers in several fields such as marine sciences, bio-medicine, electronics, chemistry, arts and communication and social sciences.
Key person(s)

Dr. Desidério Sares Batista – He is Assistant Professor at University of the Algarve. Director of the Master in Landscape Architecture. Landscape Architect, MSc in Heritage and Landscape Recovery, and PhD in Landscape Arts and Techniques. PI of the CHAIA/UÉ – Centre for Art History and Artistic Research/University of Évora. Research and expertise areas: History of the Mediterranean landscape, rural settlements and hydraulic heritage, landscape and cultural tourism. He is Principal Investigator in 3 projects and a member of 3 projects. Contact: dbatista@ualg.pt

Dr. Manuela Guerreiro – She is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Economics, University of the Algarve. Co-coordinator of the Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-Being (CinTurs) and Director of the Master of Marketing Management. PhD in Economic and Management Sciences, MSc in Cultural Management and a Degree in Communication Sciences. Research areas: e-marketing and social media marketing, arts and events marketing, and consumer experiences in tourism and hospitality. She has published several journal articles, books and book chapters.

Miguel Reimão Costa – He is an Assistant Professor at the University of Algarve. He has a degree and a PhD in Architecture from the University of Porto. He is a member of the board of Mértola Archaeological Camp (CAM) and a researcher at Centre for Studies in Archaeology, Arts and Heritage Sciences (CEAACP), integrating or coordinating several research projects in the fields of traditional architecture and landscape. He is also an expert member of Icomos-Ciav. Research areas: vernacular architecture, heritage and urbanism in Portugal and the Mediterranean, from the modern period onwards

Bernardete Sequeira – She is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve (Portugal). She is a member of the Boards of the Masters in Sociology and the Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology at this institution and an integrated member of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Social Sciences – CICS.NOVA. She is also a collaborator researcher of CinTurs – Research Centre for Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being. She holds a PhD in Sociology and an MSc in Organization and Information Systems. She is a graduate in Sociology. Her current research interests include Sociology of Organizations and Work, Sociology of Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Tourism and Qualitative Research Methodologies. She has published several articles in scientific journals and international book chapters.

Marisa Cesário – She holds a Ph.D. in Economics (2010), an MSc in Economic and Business Sciences (2003), and a BSc in Economics (1998), University of Algarve, Portugal. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, where she teaches Economics and Microeconomics at the undergraduate and master levels. She is the Director of the Master in Tourism Economics and Regional Development. Previously, she was the President of the Pedagogical Committee of this institution (2018-2021) and the Coordinator of its Mobility Programs (2011-2018). She is an integrated member of CInturs – Research Center for Tourism, Sustainability and Wellbeing. She has published scientific material related to Tourism, Innovation, Economic Geography, and Regional Development, in top journals such as the International Journal of Tourism Research, the European Planning Studies, or the Tourism Planning & Development. She is a reviewer of several international journals, including the Regional Science, Policy and Practice, the Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, the International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Small Business, and the International Regional Science Review.