Website: https://www.sdu.dk
Role in the project: Leader of the Data Analysis activity (WP3)
SDU is a research and educational institution with deep regional roots and an international outlook. The university comprises five faculties – Humanities, Science, Engineering, Social Sciences and Health Sciences. Approximately 1,200 researchers are employed and approximately 18,000 students are enrolled. SDU is a research-oriented university, where research, teaching, communication and transfer of knowledge are grouped into five academic faculties: the Faculty of Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science, Health Science, and Engineering. The Department of Economics is part of the Social Science faculty and is involved in the INCULTUM project through Karol Jan Borowiecki and his research partners. At the department there is a strong tradition for high-quality research and teaching within the fields of economics and business. This can be seen in numerous publications in leading international journals, as well as through the education of highly valued candidates at Bachelor, Master, and PhD levels. The research covers both theoretical and empirical subjects, but the use of economic theory and quantitative methods are prevalent throughout all research activities. Approximately 40 people from 15 different countries currently work in the department plus a number of external teachers.
Key person(s)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Karol Jan Borowiecki – He is Professor in Economics at the Department of Economics in SDU, with a PhD in Economics (Trinity College Dublin) and a PhD in Economic History (Lund University). His research interests are mainly on innovation and creativity, including topics on cities, creative clusters, cultural heritage, tourism and development. Author and co-author of >25 publications in international peer-reviewed journals (since 2015: >450 citations (Google), H-index 13). Co-author of 3 book chapters, 8 policy briefs, 1 textbook (forthcoming with Cambridge University Press). Co-editor of 1 book (Springer) on cultural heritage in a digitizing Europe, which has been downloaded >350k by now, and is one of the most successful academic books published by Springer in recent years. His management experience includes acting as Principal Investigator of the “Origins of Creativity” project, funded by the Danish Research Council, and WP leadership within the RICHES Consortium. He is Founder and co-editor of EconomistsTalkArt.org – Research-based policy analysis and commentary, serves as Member of Executive Board of Association of Cultural Economics International and sits on the scientific committee of the European Workshop of Applied Cultural Economics. Finally, Karol is guest editor of the Journal of Cultural Economics and he sits sit on the editorial board of Tourism Economics. Contact: kjb@sam.sdu.dk