Website: http://uu.se
Role in the project: Leader of Pilot 10 Escape into the archipelago landscape
Uppsala University is the Nordic region’s oldest university – founded in 1477 – and is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world (currently ranked at placement 62 in the Shanghai Top 500 ranking). There are more than 40,000 students at the university and nearly 5,000 researchers and teachers conduct world-leading research and teaching (currently 71 Bachelor’s programs, 73 master’s programs and 1922 freestanding courses. Among the University’s alumni there are 15 Nobel Prize laureates, 8 of whom received their prizes for discoveries made during their time at Uppsala University. Carl Linnaeus, Anders Celsius and Olof Rudbeck the Elder are a few examples of prominent scientists in Uppsala University’s history. UU has a long experience of participation in research programs funded by national and international funding schemes.
Key person(s)

Prof. Dr. John Östh – He is a professor in Human Geography and leader of the CALISTA research team. John administers two research databases PLACE and MIND, and has developed several softwares for geostatistical and GIS-analysis (the EquiPop software has users in 27 countries). John has participated in several national and international research projects and has a long list of publications within regional economics, economic geography, transport studies and methods development in spatial analysis. Contact: John.Osth@kultgeog.uu.se

Dr. Karin Ågren – She has studied tourism organization and tourism development from World War II until the present day. Through interviews and written source material Karin has examined changes in the organization of the city’s tourism as well as that of specific tourist sights. The research has focused on the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, as well as on the more rural Swedish tourist island of Gotland.

Dr. Marina Toger – She is researcher at the Department of Social and Economic Geography, member of the CALISTA research team. Interests, research topics and methods: mobility in urban areas, spatial analysis and GIS, agent-based spatial simulation models, urban and regional spatial studies. Currently participating as a researcher in 3 projects (one ending March-2020 and the rest in 2021). Principal Investigator in the project “På rätt väg? – Just the right trip? Estimating demand for public transport using cell phone geolocation data”, funded by FORMAS (2018-00255) focusing on mobility in urban areas. Member of Regional Science Association International (RSAI), Network on European Communications and Transport Activity Research (NECTAR), Association of American Geographers (AAG). Education: Postdoc in economics, PhD in urban and regional studies, BArch in architecture, and 1 year of undergraduate studies in transport engineering.

Prof. Dr. Sabine Gebert Persson – She is Associate professor at the Department of Business Studies and project leader of “Sustainable visits, in the intersection between maps and tourism experiences”, focusing on understanding revealed behavior among cruise tourists from a sustainability perspective. Her research interest relates to marketing ranging from consumer marketing to business-to-business marketing in areas such as destination development and DMOs. Her Ph.D. thesis was on internationalization processes in emerging and turbulent markets. Sabine has experience of national and international cooperation and has publications related to regional development, destination organization and marketing, networks, and digitalization.