INCULTUM innovation is experimented in a broad range of pilot cases across Europe with different geographical locations and a diversity of socio-economic contexts and cultural-natural heritage, with relevant cross-border significance.
Pilot cases are the places for INCULTUM:
- to develop innovative strategies for a sustainable tourism development, together with stakeholders, local administrations and policy makers;
- to foster bottom-up approaches for sustainable cultural tourism, focusing on hidden and undervalued potentialities usually not taken into account, and on the experience, learning and participation of visitors;
- to promote cultural tourism based on living territories and communities, avoiding negative impacts of touristification by specific training and reinforcing local identities and social ties;
- to evaluate the impact of the interventions on the social cohesion, local identity and various measures of life satisfaction in the local communities.
Through their communication activities, the INCULTUM Pilots call for the attention of multiple audiences and stakeholders about the actions carried out on their territories. The communication guidelines document is available for download, to support the local Pilot teams in the communication and dissemination of their initiatives.
A collection of Pilot Posters have been created to illustrate and to promote the pilot locations.
Posters of the pilot results have been presented at the final international conference in Guadix.
Multilingual pages are available from a dedicated page to present the pilots in local languages.
The Intermediate Pilots Report (PDF) and the Final Pilots Report (PDF) are available here for download.
Pilot sites
The project includes 10 pilot cases from 9 different countries covering a variety of geographical contexts:
- Spain
- Portugal
- Slovakia
- Italy (Trapani Mountains)
- Italy (Garfagnana Appennine)
- France
- Greece
- Albania
- Ireland
- Sweden
Five pilots have been expressely chosen to constitute two cross-border or cross-thematic cases:
- Portugal/Spain/Italy-Sicily that host traces of hystoric Islamic hydraulic heritage
- Greece/Albania that share the valley of Aoos/Vyosa river
Of course networking, cooperation and knowledge exchange is strongly promoted across all of the pilots.
For their selection, we have prioritised deprived, remote, peripheral and deindustrialized areas or cultural-natural heritage not usually taken into account.
All the pilots are based on existing studies with previous experiences in the selected areas, even if covering also other domains beyond cultural tourism. Consortium partners have already established contacts with local stakeholders, which pave the way to guarantee acceptance and participation of local initiatives, and finally INCULTUM success.
Pilot case | Location | |
1 | Desert landscapes and oasis | Altiplano de Granada |
2 | Agrarian coastal plain | Campina de Faro |
3 | Mining treasures of Central Slovakia | Banska Bystrica and Central Slovakia |
4 | Sicilian inland | Monti di Trapani |
5 | Hamlet of Tuscan-Emilian Apennine | San Pellegrino in Alpe, Garfagnana |
6 | Ancient paths into the future | Bbracte-Morvan |
7 | Aoos Valley | Northwest Greece |
8 | Upper Vjosa Valley | Southeast Albania |
9 | Historic Graves | Ireland |
10 | Escape into the archipelago landscape | Baltic ocean and the great lakes of Sweden |