12 April, 2024

The final international conference of the INCULTUM project took place successfully on 12 April, 2024 in Guadix, Andalusia, organised by the project’s coordinator UGR.
The event was hosted by ENTURNA Escuela Internacional de Turismo Rural y Naturaleza (Internation School of Rural Tourism).
The conference has represented a valuable occasion to present results and outcomes of INCULTUM, to prepare for further exploitation by the partners, and to trigger the next implementation and replication phases in new areas across the European Union. In this light, the conference has been a valuable opportunity to combine know-how and innovation exchange for cultural, creative and tourism entrepreneurs.
A poster session was organised in the frame of the conference and was available to be visited by the participants during the breaks. Furthermore, the posters are accessible in the digital poster gallery that is published on this website.
The poster of the conference is available for download (PDF).
9:30 – 9:45 Welcome message
9:45- 10:15 Myriam Prieto (Director of Geopark Granada)
10:15 – 11:15 Session I – Cultural tourism, promoting European peripheries, identity and local development
José María Martín Civantos (UGR), INCULTUM Project Coordinator.
- Presentation Visiting the Margins
Neil Forbes, Coventry University
- Presentation: Identity and local development
11:15 – 11:30 Debate
11:30 – 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 – 13:00 Session II – Innovations
Nancy Duxbury, CES University of Coimbra
Vincent Guichard (Bibracte EPCC), INCULTUM Innovation Manager
- Presentation: Tourism as a took for social and territorial cohesion
13:00 – 13:15 Debate
13:15 – 14:15 Lunch break
14:15 – 15:15 Session III – Circular cultural tourism and data
Antonia Gravagnuolo, CNR
- Presentation: Be.CULTOUR Beyond Cultural Tourism
Marco Palomeque & Karol Jan Borowiecki, (SDU)
15:15 – 15:30 Debate
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:00 Session IV – Impacts
Jesús Fernández Fernández (Universidad Oviedo- Ecomuseu La Ponte)
- Presentation: La Ponte Ecomuseum: impact of tourism in the region
Carsten Jacob Humlebæk (CBS), Leader Impact, Evaluation and Exploitation plan
- Presentation: INCULTUM impacts
17:00 – 17:15 Debate
17:15 – 18:00 Conclusions

Dr Antonia Gravagnuolo is Researcher at the Institute of Heritage Science of the National Research Council, Italy (CNR ISPC), and ICOMOS member. Architect specialized in evaluation methods for sustainable urban and territorial development, cultural heritage and landscape regeneration projects, and circular economy integration within heritage conservation and circular city development. She holds a PhD degree in Evaluation methods for integrated conservation, management and valorisation of cultural heritage and landscape at the University of Naples Federico II. She is Coordinator of the European funded Horizon 2020 research and innovation project Be.CULTOUR (www.becultour.eu) on circular economy models for cultural tourism, and Coordinator of the Eu funded Cosme/SMP TRACE project “SMEs TRAnsition for a European Circular tourism Ecosystem” (2023-2025). She was co-coordinator (co-PI) of the Horizon 2020 CLIC project (2017-2021) (www.clicproject.eu) on circular adaptive reuse of cultural heritage, with the role of scientific responsible for the evaluation of multidimensional impacts of cultural heritage adaptive reuse projects. Her research interests include circular economy, cultural heritage adaptive reuse, historic rural landscapes regeneration, heritage-led urban regeneration, sustainable local development, innovative economic models for cultural heritage and landscape regeneration. She has published several scientific articles on cultural heritage and landscape evaluation and circular city, and is expert member in international initiatives such as the Climate Change and Heritage Working Group of ICOMOS and the European Cultural Heritage Green Paper.

Nancy Duxbury, PhD, is a senior researcher at the Centre for Social Studies (CES), University of Coimbra, Portugal. Her research interests include cultural mapping, cultural work in non-urban areas, creative tourism development, and culture in local sustainable development. She coordinates the Horizon Europe project “IN SITU: Place-based Innovation of Cultural and Creative Industries in Non-urban Areas” (2022-2026) and the CES team in the H2020 project UNCHARTED on the societal value of culture (2020-2024). IN SITU aims to advance understanding of the forms, processes, and governance needs of cultural and creative enterprises located in non-urban areas of Europe and to advance their ability to act as drivers of innovation, competitiveness, and sustainability for the locales in which they are located. She also leads the CREATOUR Observatory on culture and tourism for local development at CES, which brings together researchers and professionals from the cultural/creative, tourism, and local development sectors in critical, co-learning contexts to advance knowledge and practice. The CREATOUR Observatory builds from the research-and-application project “CREATOUR: Creative Tourism Destination Development in Small Cities and Rural Areas” (2016-2020), which she coordinated.

Neil Forbes is Professor of International History at Coventry University where he has held several senior posts including, latterly, as the Director of the Research Institute for Creative Cultures. His research focuses on the relationship between Europe’s rich cultural heritage and its peoples, particularly how the tangible and intangible legacies of conflict and war underpin the multiple identities of Europe and its nation states. He also studies and has published widely on the interaction of foreign policy with the practices of business, especially those of multinational enterprise, in the context of the interwar, international crisis and the coming of the Second World War. As Principal Investigator or Co-ordinator, he has led several, international research projects funded by national and European agencies. He sits on the advisory and review boards of several professional associations and projects, and acts in this capacity for UK Research and Innovation and the pan-European Joint Programming Initiative.

Marco Palomeque is a PhD student at the University of Alcalá, specializing in cultural economics. He has experience in innovative data science techniques that allow him to answer questions in new ways. His research has been published in the Journal of Cultural Economics, and has received media attention from outlets such as NPR and Cadena Ser, the most important radio station in Spain. He was awarded the Presidents’ Prize at the ACEI 2023 Conference in Bloomington for his latest study. Additionally, he collaborates monthly with Cadena Clásica as a cultural researcher and disseminator.