INCULTUM Training Resources

Welcome to the INCULTUM Training Resources!

ITP is a web-space dedicated to offer various training resources to a wide range of targets, including: local stakeholders and communities, university students and researchers, public administrators, business development operators, tourism specialists and cultural heritage managers.

The variety of training resources accessible through the portal aim to promote capacity and knowledge of its target users in the areas of sustainable tourism, cultural heritage, innovative participatory approaches, involvement and engagement of living territories and communities.

ITP promotes knowledge exchange practices. It hosts training resources developed by the INCULTUM partners as well as collected from organisations and initiatives connected with the INCULTUM network. Additional training contents are welcome and you can share relevant resources and links – via this form.

Resources and links are produced, collected and added to ITP along the whole project life time.

An orienteering service is available for interested users: whether you are a student, a researcher, a representative of a tourism enterprise, of a local group, of a territorial community, or any type of stakeholder in the area of territorial promotion, we can help you!

A dedicated staff from the INCULTUM consortium is available to answer your inquiry concerning the training needs and guide you to the most appropriate available training resources basing on those.

Furthermore, for specific questions about the subjects of the ITP sections, you can contact the partners responsible for each section, as indicated in the grey box at the beginning of the section.

For general questions about usage and access to ITP resources, you can contact the ITP Secretariat at

Also, a FAQs section is available for consultation, which you can access clicking on the purple box below.


Local Training

Targets: local stakeholders and communities, public administrators, tourism professionals, cultural managers

Academic Courses and publication

Targets: university students and researchers


Resources from project’s activities

Resources from INCULTUM Network



Bibliographic references about cultural tourism management


Frequently Asked Questions from interested users

General attribution for the content in this website is CC-BY-SA. If you wish to reuse the content in your own materials, please credit the INCULTUM project and the responsible partner who produced the resource.